Intellectual development in children 1 year and 6 months
Around this time, your child may start asking, "What is it?" everything that caught his eye. The desire to know the names of things around him leads to a dramatic increase in vocabulary between the ages of 18 to 20 months. A child can learn several new words a day as soon as it enters this phase of rapid growth in use of words.
Since the study of language at this stage is based on repetition, kids love the unpretentious songs, playing with them fingers, playing with funny words and sounds. They often practiced in the use of new words before they fall asleep, or while walking, so do not be surprised if you hear your baby as an infinitely repeating an excerpt from the song. (or his version of the product). Children quickly realize the power that gives the word, especially when they see that they can be used to get what they need.