Makers of psychomotor development in children 0-6 years
When you meet with your child, you may be useful to have some simple benchmarks so you can position their skills and abilities relative to his age.
From birth to eighteen years, in fact, the child is developing continuously, physical, sensory, intellectual, which allows it to communicate and discover the world, to learn and integrate a family-academically and socially.
This development (motor skills, behavior, language) is usually assessed by reference to averages (eg proceeding to a year gained). But each child develops at their own pace and there may be, that this should not worry, gaps of several weeks or months of a child to another (a child can not walk at eight months). These differences must however remain limited compared to the average and need extra care if the child has a delay or a delay that persists or worsened over the months.
The assessment of psychomotor development of a child asks "good cooperation" from him. In other words, it is important that the child feels safe, possibly into the arms of someone he knows well and to offer recreational activities, in a room or a quiet place. The child may be put in trust with various games (cubes or colored objects, coins, comic strip, vial containing a colored dot). From the age of 6 months, for example, a good introduction is to offer the child a colored object placed on the hand, before him, he should gradually be willing to take, manipulate, and from 8-10 months, small exchanges can be established.
It is also important to pay attention to what is said by the doctor of the orphanage, the orphanage director or staff who usually looks after the child's (or doctor that you brought with you to orphanage and that it could be examined). If in doubt, it will be useful to ask the doctor who treated the child on his family history, the course of pregnancy, on the conditions of confinement and to question him about the chronology of the achievements of the Child. With the help of the record or report on the child (and health record if it exists), the main stages of development can often be identified according to age.
In any event, it is yourself, as future parents will appreciate how the child will watch you, if you can catch his eye, to have exchanges of view with him. In addition, you will see the child for several days. If the first day, you can not communicate with him because he remains prostrate in a corner, but, on the second day, he began to look at you in secret, became interested in what you do , the third day, you can have exchanges of view, and the fourth is on your lap or he wants to walk when he was completely closed the first day, this will be a very positive development in taken into account.