When we speak of child development, everyone has an opinion on the issue. Everyone has their own little speech to cover their tracks and shake our parental serenity.
From birth to 2 years
At this level of development or intelligence is primarily practical. It is built according to the sense (hearing, touch, sight,) and movement of the child. One of the essential learnings of this period is the understanding of object permanence (the child may find a hidden object). The child acquires the symbolic function that requires different types of conduct as deferred imitation, symbolic play, drawing, mental imagery and language. He also developed a self-awareness by driving his body schema.
In fact, there is a progressive maturation leading to the holding of the head (2 to 3 months, the importance of maintaining adult), then the sitting position (6 months with support, 8 months without support), then the standing (not to be confused with walking with support 9 months, 12 months without support). In terms of language we pass again the simple chirp, with vocals, then syllables associated announce that the real words. The march begins, hesitantly, to 10 months and is truly functional in 15 months on average. But may, without that there is nothing pathological, appear later, around 18 months.
2 to 6 years
The children develop language skills. He is able gradually to dialogue. Moreover, he also develops their motor skills and incorporates the concept of quantity. Cleanliness is also important during this period. Do not start too early education of cleanliness because various preconditions must be met. The child must be able to understand what is expected of him. The early days of cleanliness is acquired, usually around age 2, 2 ½ years. Only after that will take place the night of cleanliness, he is usually acquired around 4 years, 4 ½ years earlier in girls than boys.
6 to 10 years concrete operations
During this period, the child constructs his intellectual structure allowing him to handle mental operations in a logical manner. For example if we present a bouquet with 8 roses and tulips and 3 if you ask what is it about? We must wait eight years for the child to answer the flowers, before he chose the roses.
10 to 16 years, abstract thinking
At this stage the adolescent can now make assumptions parts of the sensible world. The youth may, from personal experience, reach a conclusion.
The board of psychologist
These elements of child development that are strengths which enable to identify and in which there is considerable variability depending on the child. These life stages are only averages. A child who does not work until 18 months has not necessarily a problem, like a child making simple sentences to 15 months is not "advance".
The development of a child must be taken as a whole, from birth to adulthood and in its cultural context, and not at some point outside of any context. This is only a photograph does not always reflect reality.