The development of your toddler of 15 months

He loves games

Your toddler or whatever you name it may still walking baby Certainly Already Be well now, and knows Several words like push and pull toys while walking. Surely He Knows to use a spoon or fork and had to walk back Sometimes Perhaps. He likes to play with you, for example, show you pictures or body parts in a Book When You ask. He likes to put things too in containers and then removed. He Begins to Understand how did things together: he tries to put the lids and stack blocks.

He Began to assert soi year as Individual

Each child in a special way Interacts with the world. It Has Its Own temperament. We begin to notice as ET grows. Some children are flexible if and Easily adapted to changes, others prefer a more structured schedule. Can you see how your child and how Reacts to help HIM feel good. As adult year, you-can create thesis conditions, while your toddler is up to you. To make it grow to ict potential, you must respect historical character. A real work of parents!

He Recognizes Himself as a Separate Being

At 15 months, your toddler Recognizes herself in a mirror. He no longer tries to touch the baby who is on the Other Side. He Begins to feel autonomous entity as a year, not year extension of you.

He knows how to say "no"!

Just Months After Their first birthday, most is toddlers like to say "no." It's Their Way of Asserting That year Individual THEY did exist. To limit the "no", be safe to set example year. So Rather than "No, do not Touch That" prefer "I would injustement something else you play."