Social development in children 1 year 4 months

As children in the second year, more and more feel their independence, a dining table can become a major battleground. At this age, there are a few things over which children have control and the food is just one of them. That's why many children refuse to fruits and vegetables or unwilling to try new foods if they are pressured parents. Of course, it is necessary at an early age to teach a child to eat right, but just as important to avoid violence. The more you put pressure on the child, the more he will resist.

It is better to plug your little rebel in the compilation of the menu, such as asking: "What do you want for breakfast?". Yield children's preferences in food, within reason. If the problem is that different food contact, sell them in different plates, or on a plate divided into sections. Do not force your child to eat when he said that already had enough. If your using a child develop into a peaceful, not warlike attitude toward food, children's wars at the table will be put to an end.