Social development in children 1 year 10 months

Until recently, your baby protested when touching different dishes in one plate, or if you pour the milk in his drinking bowl red instead of blue. Now the list is growing requirements of the ritual every day. He can demand that he impose a porridge every morning in the same plate, to his favorite soft toy allocated a place of honor at the dinner table every evening to read to him the same book, and each day wore the same sweater, regardless from the weather.

The slightest deviation from these rules may cause a storm of protest! Of course, parents have difficulty understanding why it is so important to drink from a cup of red instead of blue, and why your toddler loves to listen to the night one and the same tale. However, these simple but important rituals give the child a sense of predictability and control. So, even if it looks silly to sit at the table of Mickey Mouse or hundredth time to listen to the tale of the Kolobok. All of these predictable actions give your baby a feeling of happiness and confidence.