The emotional and intellectual development of children

The emotional and intellectual development of children over 3 years

Although each child grows and flourishes at their own pace, they cross all common steps. Knowing them can accompany their child and to ensure that its development occurs in a coherent and harmonious.

The emotional and intellectual development of children under 3 years

Before three years, the child discovers the world and learns to master the language.

Psychological development from birth to six months
The first few months, the baby's life comes down to eat, sleep and coo. It is very dependent on his parents, physically and emotionally. About six to eight weeks, he began to be selective in her smiles and recognizes his relatives.

Between four and six months, he recognizes himself in a mirror, but has not yet aware of looking at a picture. This notion is acquired around the age of eighteen months.

The psychic development of six months to two years
When it reaches six months, the child looks around and discovers the world. He begins to recognize the elements around him.

About eight months, he crosses a particular phase: he realizes that he and his mother are two distinct beings. This awareness is the cause of separation anxiety (the eight-month anxiety) resulting in fears, such a great shyness with strangers. This is also the age when the baby begins to focus on fetish objects (the blanket, see box) which he never parts. This attachment to an object allows it to calm the anxiety that comes from its differentiation as an individual.

About nine months, he begins to search for hidden objects, and he understands that things continue to exist, even out of sight. At this age, it is also starting to grasp what it is told, including the word "no." To eighteen months, he joined the opposition period that can last up to age three years: he mastered the "no" which allows him to assert his personality and autonomy ... to the chagrin of his parents! Fortunately, this period lasts only time and patience is required.

To twenty to twenty-four months, he is able to reproduce a situation, even when it does not take place before his eyes: he was at the age of mental representation. This capability will dramatically expand its repertoire of games.

Choose her teddy

If your baby has chosen an old blanket scarf rather than a pretty toy, do not yield to the temptation to make him change his mind. The choice of a blanket is one of the first autonomous acts of the child and must be respected as such. By this creative act, your child has taken a major step in accepting the fact that it is a unique, different from you.

Take great care of his security blanket, but do not wash it too often, also has its smell. Wherever possible, try to have several copies as you spin regularly they age all at once.
The psychic development of two to three years

From the age of two, the child walks, runs, jumps, the world becomes a playground rather egocentric First, he gradually learns the concept of sharing and learning to play with other children and not next to them. It is no longer the center of his little world, he realizes that there are other individuals with whom he can interact and share. He also realizes that there is a gender difference.

His vocabulary is expanding, there may be some simple phrases. It makes few demands (eating, drinking, etc..) And begins to ask questions using the pronouns "I", "you", "me". It begins to master the articles and adverbs. His vocabulary is growing exponentially.

The psychic development of three to five years

To three years, your baby ... is no longer one. In many cases, he entered nursery school. Sometimes this is his first discovery of another medium that's home, with other rules. He distanced himself from his parents and his friends socialized by attending daily.

He plays with other children and willing to wait his turn. This is also the age of first loves and first kisses. His language continues to grow. He participates in simple conversations and questions pop up: where, when, how, why? His imagination is highly developed and not well differentiated from reality. This landmark property in space and begins to appreciate the group games. His sense of time develops, it differs from yesterday and the day after tomorrow.

The psychic development of five to eight years

About six years, the child enters elementary school, he learns to read, write and calculate. His intellectual abilities will grow quickly and the features of his character become clearer. It will gradually take its independence and self-reliance. About seven to eight years, he entered the stage of operational thought, it is capable of deduction (applying a rule to a particular case) and induction (imagine a general rule from specific cases).

Social and emotional relationships become clearer, he chose his friends according to their affinities and their interests. These friendships are strong and sometimes extends into adulthood. Soon he will prefer to spend his time with his friends rather than with his family. Nevertheless, he still needs your attention and your affection, you remain its main reference point.