Understanding words, behavior and concepts
Newborns are like tourists from a foreign country: they do not speak our language and do not understand what they are told. But they learn quickly, they are awakened permanent. Studies have shown that babies begin to hear the voice of their parents during pregnancy. When they are born, they are set on the way you talk and try to decipher what you say. They also use their observation skills to learn more complicated things on the physical and emotional like love, trust, time, and the relationship of cause and effect.
At what age baby starts he understand the words, behavior and concepts?
Decipher what others say and do begins even before birth.
At first, he will not know the meaning of words you say, but it will detect your emotions (like love, worry, anxiety and anger).
At 4 months, he will recognize his own name. Between 8 to 12 months, it will begin to understand simple orders like "no" or "Do not touch that." To 27 months, it will be able to understand orders double as "going into the kitchen to get your shoes."
In three years he will have a vocabulary of several hundred words and a good understanding of some complicated aspects of everyday life like going shopping, check the time and do the housework.