Warning signs before 3 years

Psychologe plan, a negative response when considering the 9th month

 the repetition of syllable
 the finger pointing
 the game of "peekaboo, there he is' (game knowing many variations in which the adult's face is hidden and then revealed to the child, causing laughter)
must bring the child to examine in more detail, because the absence of babbling, pointing or other gestures at 12 months has social value warning sign of pervasive developmental disorder.

Similarly, the items shown on the occasion of the 24th month of the examination are referred to the screening of a developmental disorder. At 24 months, a child
 uses its index to describe someone or something,
 pretend play,
 imitate adults in everyday life,
 responds to your smile.

The following symbols have a value warning in children under 3 years and should lead to direct it to a specialist in search of a developmental disorder
 no babbling, pointing or other social cues to 12 months
 absence of words to 18 months
 lack of word associations in 24 months
 loss of language or social skills regardless of age