5 months: emotional development

Emotional development

Emotional development means that children manifest many emotions, from sadness to joy through anger, and he learns to control them. This ability to help build self-esteem and leads him to develop deeper qualities, such as sympathy, compassion, resilience, assertiveness and empathy, as well as the ability to cope of life.

At this age:

- He appears conscious and wary of strangers.
- He gets angry when he does not get what he wants.
- It clings to its parent when it is in his arms.
- He expresses his fear, his anger and disgust.
- He pushes you when you make him something he dislikes, for example it blow nose.

Gradually, he began:

- Smile, laugh and squeak when he is happy, and when he is angry muttering.
- Love to play alone for a while with some toys in his bed or playpen.
- Clearly show preferences for foods.

How to help them progress?

Your baby has a unique personality that will develop at their own pace. But you can help foster this development by practicing parenting Comfort, Play & Teach. This approach was designed to integrate easily into your daily routine. Adapted to the current age of your baby, the table below gives examples of little things beneficial to his emotional development.