Causes of delayed speech in children


The causes of delayed speech development in children may vary. A child with delayed speech is often the intervention and treatment with a speech therapist.

Speech developmental delays are usually diagnosed at age two, when a toddler is significantly behind peers in language development. A two year old with delayed speech can imitate the words, but not products of their own, are often unable to verbalize what he wants or needs and can be very difficult to understand. Delays often require speech therapy sessions with a speech therapist to help correct the problem. Developmentally delayed speech in toddlers can happen for several reasons.

Deficiencies oral

A toddler who is diagnosed with a speech delay may have a physical problem with his mouth or palate. Cleft palate, a hole in the roof of the mouth may affect speech. A child with an extra fold in its language may find his mother tongue is restricted, resulting in an inability to form sounds and words correctly.

Oral motor issues

When a toddler has problems with oral motor areas of the brain that control the production of speech do not communicate as well or as fast as they should. A child with poor motor includes oral language but finds it difficult to verbalize the words and phrases in his head. It may not be able to obtain from her lips, the tongue and jaw to move so as to enable him to form words correctly.

Hearing problems

A child who can not hear well will have problems forming words correctly. Toddlers with delays of speech should have their hearing checked to resolve problems with the ears. Children with frequent ear infections may suffer from temporary hearing loss that affects the way he hears sounds and words.

Other developmental delays

Speech delay in a toddler can be a symptom of other types of developmental delay. Children who have suffered brain damage or birth trauma may present with delayed speech, as do children with learning disabilities. A delay in speech can sometimes be a symptom of autism, a disorder of auditory processing or mental retardation.

There is not always a reason or a cause for developmental delay in speech a toddler. When this is the case is said that a child with specific language impairment. While a delay of speech can mean more serious problems, delayed speech often is caused by minor problems. Pediatrician with her child, a parent with a child showing speech delay should talk early intervention. Young children with delayed speech began working with a qualified speech therapist, the faster it will be able to progress and catch up with the language skills of his peers.