Development of the child at 5 months:

The positions of the baby:

He can sit with slight support.

He relies on his hands and raises his head straight when lying on his stomach Learning to crawl ... at a snail's pace.

In general, babies of five or six months seem to crawl, and some more than others.

The fact of doing this is another story. He could start by "swimming" slightly on the floor or pivoting when the stomach. All these movements are excellent exercises to strengthen the muscles of his neck, his shoulders and his chest.

Make sure you watch this little explorer. He managed to crawl when you least expect it

He discovered his feet and hands

He spends a lot of time watching his feet
Discovering the colors, sounds, faces and objects
He begins to differentiate colors.

He turns his head toward the sound he hears

It distinguishes between familiar and unfamiliar faces

It soon frightened by the noise

He discovered music with great interest

He smiles when he recognizes himself in a mirror

He grabs the door and objects to his mouth

He managed better and better not to get distracted while playing with a toy

It focuses on games and learning activities

An adventure extremely exciting / frustrating

Many changes occur in the life of your baby right now.

He sees better and now controls his body well enough to cause certain events.

Its greatest depth perception may explain why he is fascinated by moving objects, like toys.

This could also explain why he goes suddenly realized that her teddy bear is her teddy bear, even when it upside down. This is what we call consistency forms.

Explore and learn exciting things are.

Your baby wriggles and babbles in advance to prove it.

This can cause frustration when objects are out of reach.

However, you can make it easier for your little explorer giving a helping hand. He will do things by himself soon enough.

This month is often that of good humor

If baby cries and calls, it's very often what he wants to be taken care of him.

Baby talk, anything goes babbling, facial expression, cry of joy, chuckle ... In addition to the sounds your baby begins to pronounce syllables "geugeugeu" "teuteuteu" "memememem" ...

Have fun with it by producing a sound, you will see he will try to imitate you. Chaining 2 or 2 times the same sound, baby you should respond with the same number of vocalizations, it is finally in a good mood! Changing tones, amused he will try to do the same.