Music for kids is a magical event. Their eyes glow when they are immediately in the presence of an instrument. And obviously they want to touch, play. Then activate their curiosity, their spontaneity and creativity. Very quickly the game and settle all the fun by revealing the uniqueness and beauty of the child.
But music has a greater impact on the child as his only pleasure. The constituents of music involving several aspects in the overall development of the child.
Throughout his organizational system, that is to say the notes, measures, rhythms, tempo and harmony, the music uses the left brain of the child by their logic, symbolic and analytical. Similarly, its expressiveness, either listening or performance, music appeals to the right brain in emotional dimensions and nonverbal communication, creativity and imagination. So the music in which the demand is constant collaboration between the two hemispheres of the brain, which promotes a more harmonious human activity.
Not to mention that hearing is the first sense that develops even in the uterine condition in the child seat so the music in the first layers of the brain. This led him to have an impact on the different layers of it. Among others it affects the limbic system where it meets the emotional life, social relationships and also by its interrelationships of sounds harmonically (several notes played simultaneously so) or polyphonic (several instruments playing at once). And any transposition of musical symbols into sound emission of a demand instrument symbolic and abstract functions of the cortex.
Music by his pleasant appearance has an impact on the limbic system (which has links with the pleasure, satisfaction and motivation), since an emotionally charged information will cause activation of the cortex and engrammer more deeply, which plays an important role in the formation of long-term memory.
In terms of body, music in its execution, allows the development of coarse and fine motor skills and coordination,. It also allows learning of energy management.
Moreover, by its essence, the music promotes the development of concentration and attention, and managements of all emotional, relational and expression.
The music is a wonderful tool for overall development of the child, so he can reach their full potential.