Pregnant? Alcohol and drugs, you need to know
A pregnant woman must often change some of his daily habits. At this time of life, many recommendations coming from all directions. A good trick may be to consider this period as a special time to take care of yourself and the unborn child.
A healthy choice! By adopting healthy lifestyles during pregnancy, you increase the chances of giving birth to a healthy baby and live a beautiful pregnancy.
Alcohol and pregnancy
FAS and the consequences of fetal exposure to alcohol
FAS is the acronym for the fetal alcohol syndrome. A child with this syndrome has the following three characteristics:
- typical facial abnormalities;
- brain damage (eg mental retardation);
- growth retardation (weight and size).
Without undergoing the FAS diagnosis, a child who has been exposed to alcohol can still present serious physical, behavioral, intellectual, or a combination thereof. FAS is a serious diagnosis that is part of a larger set that are the disorders caused by fetal alcohol.
The effects of alcohol consumption during pregnancy can be numerous and appear differently from one person to another. For pregnant women, alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of:
- miscarriage;
- premature birth of the baby;
- baby dies before birth.
For the child, alcohol consumption during pregnancy is associated, among others, to a greater risk of:
- growth retardation (weight and size);
- physical deformities;
- cognitive (learning, attention, judgment, etc.).
- difficulties socially.
The effects of fetal exposure to alcohol persist throughout life. However, early diagnosis gives the opportunity to provide a framework adapted to the needs of affected children.
Did you know that fetal exposure to alcohol is a major preventable causes of developmental delay and birth defects in newborns?
How much alcohol is it possible to consume without risk?
Heavy consumption of alcohol at one occasion ("binge") and regular alcohol consumption are particularly harmful to fetal development. Scientific studies do not indicate whether there is any amount of alcohol without risk to the baby.
It is recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol during pregnancy.
Is there a time during pregnancy when it is safer to drink alcohol?
No. At all stages of pregnancy, fetal development may be affected by alcohol consumption of the mother. The fetal brain is particularly sensitive to alcohol, and this, throughout pregnancy, the first in the third quarter.
There is no time to drink alcohol during pregnancy is safe.
Is there a type of alcohol is less harmful for the fetus?
No. All types of alcohol can have adverse effects on the fetus, whether wine, beer, spirits or fortified wine (sherry, port).
Did you know that alcohol crosses the placenta and the fetus receives the same concentration of alcohol in his blood than the mother?
Some tips to avoid alcohol during pregnancy
If you're used to drinking alcohol to reduce your stress levels, opt for other activities that allow relaxation (eg, reading, walking outdoors, cinema).
Since you are pregnant, take the opportunity to try new recipes for soft drinks.
You can chat with people who are part of your entourage, the choice you made not to drink alcohol and explain the reasons for your decision.
Feel free to ask your doctor or other healthcare professional information on alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
How about a little help from the community?
The spouse, family, friends, colleagues can:
- avoid encouraging the mother to consume alcohol;
- provide soft drinks in group activities;
- encourage pregnant women in its decision not to consume alcohol throughout her pregnancy;
- learn about the dangers of drinking during pregnancy;
- help the pregnant woman who is struggling to stop drinking to seek help from specialized resources.
The effects of drug use during pregnancy
The effects of drug use during pregnancy can be numerous and appear differently in pregnant women and children. The effects may be increased when the pregnant woman consumes several drugs at once.
For pregnant women, drug use is associated, among others, at risk of:
- miscarriage;
- premature birth of the baby;
- baby dies before birth.
For children, drug use during pregnancy is associated, among others, at risk of:
- growth retardation (weight and size);
- weaning at birth (tremors, hyperactivity, inconsolable crying, etc.).
- abnormal development of the central nervous system (brain);
- adjustment difficulties in the short, medium and long term;
- transmission of diseases or viruses such as hepatitis and HIV (if use or sharing needles).
It is recommended to refrain from consuming any drug or during pregnancy.
There is no time or amount considered safe to use drugs.
Se drugs under scrutinyom
It was established that in cases where the mother uses cannabis, THC (the main active ingredient of cannabis) crosses the placenta. The fetus receives its blood in the same concentration of THC than the mother.
Possible effects on pregnancy:
- miscarriage;
- stillborn baby;
- preterm delivery.
Possible effects on the fetus or child:
- withdrawal syndrome at birth;
- growth retardation (weight and size);
- adjustment difficulties and learning.
Possible effects on pregnancy:
- menstrual irregularities (may delay recognition of pregnancy);
- miscarriage;
- preterm delivery.
Possible effects on the fetus or child:
- withdrawal syndrome at birth;
- growth retardation (weight and height);
- adjustment difficulties and learning.
Note: the use of other drugs like ecstasy, hallucinogens and solvents is also at risk for pregnancy outcome and fetal development.