Stages of child development

From birth to 1 month

At birth, your baby has in him everything you need to learn to speak (hearing, vision, motor skills) but it is completely dependent on its environment.

Those around him, and especially you parents will serve as a model and to discover the pleasure of the need to communicate and use language.

"When we talk to the baby in a soft voice with words adapted, some length and he collects them, the miracle of the voice: he opens his eyes, is attentive, draft a smile."
Paule AIMARD, speech pathologist and child psychiatrist.

His body:

Drive: Your baby has not yet muscle tone in the trunk, it can not hold his head alone. His arms and legs are replier. It clenches his fists and not your fingers aggripe by reflex. Its main activity is sleeping.

Listen: The baby recognizes the voice of his mother and startled when he hears a loud noise and sudden. He calms down when he heard soft music but especially hearing the voice of his mother.

Visual perception: baby recognizes his mother's face within a radius of 30 cm and can hold his gaze for a moment. He is attracted to the faces. By observing, you'll see it is already focusing on your mouth and try to imitate you in opening and closing the mouth.


Your crying baby can be an expression of his discomfort but also a request, a pleasure, a voltage. Slowly you will learn to differentiate these different cries to give an appropriate response.

He only produces sounds harsh, coming from his throat.
He is sensitive to contrasts of speech, rhythm and music.
Just as we recognize the face of his mother, he recognizes her voice.

Your baby knows how to use the muscles needed to smile or to pout, but he does not intentionally, voluntarily.

In this first month, the baby does not differ from his mom, he has the illusion of being at one with her, explaining that it soothes on contact or in his voice.

Toys and activities:

It begins to be attracted to mobile placed over his crib, but its activity is essential to sleep.