Development and progress of your 6 month old baby
At six months, some small signs will indicate that your baby is ready for diet diversification, solid food. If, for example, he looks at you insistently when you eat or if he tries to catch food on your plate. Always have your camera handy to record the discovery of these new sensations! Also be prepared to face a pretty mess around the table!
Now your baby is certainly capable of turning on itself. This capability represents a major milestone for the mobility of your child in a few months will begin to crawl.
I already know if my baby is right or left handed?
It is too early to tell if your baby is right or left handed. At this age, your child may just as well prefer to use one hand at a given time then change the other hand a moment later. It was not until two or three years you will know which hand is your child.
Master your baby and getting better control his hands and he can now bring an object to him. When your child has learned to grasp a toy, he will learn to move objects from one hand to another. He will also discover that it is sometimes more fun to drop something that's catching!
When your baby will understand the link between cause and effect, a new world will open to him and yours will be messed up!
When my baby Will he be able to roll on itself to turn?
This month, your baby learns to turn certainly when it is elongated in both directions. This is an important step that should amuse you both. Your baby may find it very amusing to you to remain vigilant, falling is soon here.
Always hold your baby when you change his diaper and never leave it unattended on a bed or other elevated surfaces. If you use a changing table, this is a good time to secure the maximum space.
It may be that when you see your baby in his cot, he has returned to his stomach while sleeping. If sleep is deep, replace it on the back, it is always best that he sleeps on his back.
Help your baby feel at ease on the stomach by placing from time to time in this position during the day to play. If he turns himself, shake a toy on the side where he used to ride to encourage him to start over. Praise him when he comes and reassurance if needed.
How did my baby needs attention?
When you receive visits from friends or family, your baby looking for attention and sometimes causes. Some babies may be afraid of people they do not know, but usually they do not care to know from whom they receive this attention. Anyone who approaches your baby with a frown or a smile immediately becomes a friend. But do not worry, your child still needs a lot of your affection.
Your baby begins to understand that you react differently depending on what he does. From now and for many years, your child will do everything to get your attention.
For now, everything that your baby is cute but growing up, your child may increase the nonsense that you were interested in him. Stay vigilant, even when you have given permission for your baby to do something.
Your baby is looking at other ways that crying for your attention. expect to see him squirm and babble. In the next three months, he will develop his own way to let you know what he thinks, what he wants and needs.
When my baby will be there ready for food diversification?
Now that your baby is six months, some signs are that it is ready for solid food:
- he holds his head up
- if he sits his back is supported
- he seized the food into a spoon with the upper lip
- it puts food on the bottom of his mouth before swallowing
- normal and its weight is about twice its weight of birth
- it is curious to what you eat
- he manages to capture small bites and put it in his mouth.
Discover our menus Mother-Baby for some ideas!
If your baby is still not tempted by solid foods at 26 weeks, ask your doctor or pediatrician. At this age, breast milk or powdered no longer sufficient to meet their nutritional needs.
Choose which games to a six month old baby?
Your child will love the games where you play one after another, where sounds are emitted, where you have to speak or sing. No doubt if you stop in the middle of a nursery rhyme to your child forward the idea to hear the rest.
Let your baby sometimes take things in hand, and imitate her babbling and noises he makes. When your turn comes, make animal noises like "quack" or "woua-woua". Your baby will understand that it's your turn, learn new sounds and find it very funny.
How to help my baby to understand and use some bits of words?
At six months your baby sees and hears almost the same things as you. His communication skills are developing very quickly, and your child discovers the babbling, screaming, sounds different and varied and incredible octave changes it is capable.
Your baby may also repeat indefinitely the same syllable as "ba" or "ga" and other consonant-vowel associations. It adds maybe sometimes one or two other syllables making the sound more sophisticated.
Encourage your baby by meeting and playing both taking up the sound of animals like goats, "baaaah" or the sheep, "Bââât" and so on. Be interested in everything you say in your baby to have the feeling that what he says is important and that it continues to be expressed.
How to encourage my baby to explore his surroundings?
Your baby uses all senses to explore and understand the world around him. Make sure it has access to many objects it can see, touch, listen and bring to mouth.
He will love crushing a rubber ball, stroking a piece of fake fur, chew a teething ring precooled, hear a bell buried in the belly of a teddy. A playground or a baby mobile will also help to discover the colors, sounds and textures.
My baby is big enough for me to read a story?
This is the time to read books aloud to your baby. Indeed, it now look like the vibrant images and cuddle comfortably on your lap. No matter how old your child, reading is an opportunity for him and you find yourself and exchange.
My baby is developing normally does?
Each baby is unique and develops at their own pace. The following paragraph has outlined what your baby is potentially able to do at his age or what he will soon be able to do.
If your baby is born prematurely (before 37 weeks of pregnancy), you will probably feel he needs more time to do the same things as other children his age. This is why doctors and pediatricians to assign ages two premature babies:
Chronological age, calculated from the birth of your baby.
Corrected age calculated from the originally scheduled date of birth of your child.
Rely on corrected age to assess your baby's development. Health professionals will certainly also to assess the capabilities of your child.
Do not hesitate to consult your doctor or pediatrician when in doubt about your child's development.