The developmental milestones
At 17 months, most toddlers know a few words. Some are even beginning to associate words. Your child may also be able to undress himself, or to pretend to feed her teddy. From that age, some toddlers learn to brush their teeth with, admittedly, a little help.
He knows classify objects
Your toddler is beginning to identify similar objects and distinguish different objects. When he plays, he likes to sort them by color, shape and type.
Learning good manners
If "no" has not yet become his favorite word, your little one now used increasingly often. This is certainly the time to start teaching him good manners. As you lead by example. Tell her please if you want it to do something and thank you when he did. It is good to show the importance of respect. "Please" and "thank you" should not be words that are repeated like a parrot, but serve the interest and involvement.
Food: it is difficult!
Everyone knows that toddlers often choosy. So do not lose your time preparing complicated meals, your efforts will not necessarily be rewarded. Opt for simple dishes, the kids love! Most meals can be prepared in small quantities and to the delight of toddlers. Do not try to balance at all cost foods at every meal or even every day, rather to ensure a good balance of the week. If you offer a lot of healthy meals for your child, it will undoubtedly benefit of all the nutrients it needs.
There is only one nap a day
Around the age of 18 months, your toddler will not nap more than a day. Some children go through a difficult period, where a nap is not yet sufficient, and two naps too. You'll have to wait a bit until your toddler finds its rhythm. If he has trouble sleeping during the day, try to cuddle, to cheer for him to feel your best.