The main stages
Your toddler is now surely be able to don a dress alone, and appoint six body parts. He knows perhaps stand on one foot or recognize a color.
Greater curiosity on the other
At this age, most toddlers can call another child by his first name. Growing up, small perceive better and better what others think and feel and more likely to play with their peers.
Encourage creativity
The disorder is inseparable from the artistic expression of your child. Do not worry about the chaos that seems to accompany its creative discoveries. When he finishes an activity, you can make him understand that the storage part of the game And even though his masterpiece is like nothing else than the scribbling, show you're proud of him. You'll help your toddler to have confidence in him that leads him to express himself more and more.
Talk to your toddler
Help your toddler to talk about building real conversations with him. For example, if your child says, "fast car", answer him: "Yes, this red car down the street very quickly. "Enrich your vocabulary by offering new words, and help him create more elaborate sentences: it will soon be able to do like you!
Potty training
Questions about cleanliness? Come see our complete file on the Potty! If you have not yet reached this stage, do not worry! At this age, many toddlers, especially boys, are not ready for the pot. Be aware for signs that let you know when your toddler is ready to leave their coats!