An asset for the physical and emotional development of the newborn

Body language is the primary form of communication that includes the newborn, and breastfeeding promotes the awakening of this language.

Language melee: support primitive relationship

At the dawn of life, the human being needs several kinds of food to thrive. Physical food, milk, and emotional nourishment, care consists of gestures and words that combine the quality of actual physical presence in the emotional presence of the mother, the father or the person who takes care of him. These foods, doors exchanges with the outside, are the five senses of the baby and the mother, they confirm his membership in the world and rooted in its identity. They are a unit that contains knowledge and weave "support archaic" on which to build the future adult to get in touch with each other. Breastfeeding is a real sense of dialogue between the body of the mother and her child. He requests one by one, but all feel confused, like a halo containing sensory and secure. From its conception, man is a being in relationship. The language of the senses is a process that is part of the exchange as "primitive support."

Include Albert Camus, in The Myth of Sisyphus, our ahead: "We live in our bodies long before they think. Our body has a lead on us irreparable. '

Pre-and postnatal life lays the foundation for the life of the child with his entourage. How the triangular relationship father-mother-child will be engaged in these periods if the valuable support throughout his life, in his approach to others.

The rooting

The first step - literally and figuratively - of this communication, perhaps it is the baby who will ... Indeed, from its inception, placed flat against the belly womb, skin cons skin, guided by his touch and his smell as the mother's voice, he can crawl to find the nipple and suck. It is the expression of rooting. This moment is linked to a subtle exchange between maternal behavior and that of the child and the conditions and atmosphere of childbirth. But the absence of this reflex should not deprive the newborn of early suckling first golden rule of breastfeeding. Essential to good start breastfeeding early suckling easier and more immediate the mother-child relationship by taking advantage of a moment when the rational defenses are dormant.

Cord milk: a smooth separation

The umbilical cord that fed the fetus for nine months, going over to the "cord milk." Milk is the food necessary to the digestive system of the child to lead him to maturity, that is to say, taking a variety of food gradually. Meanwhile, the imaginary cord allows the child to gradually separate from his mother, as he garnered enough emotional and physical strengths to become autonomous. And for the mother, the feeling of emptiness felt in his belly is mitigated by the fullness of her breasts. The cord extends milk so the dialogue established during pregnancy between mother and child.