Development and progress of your 11 month

At eleven months, your baby is able to understand simple instructions and that means "no", although this does not mean that it will obey you every time! Try to limit the use of "no" at times when your child does something dangerous or you may use it to rhyme.

Books with bright colors attract the attention of your baby. Take them to the library, this will allow you to discover new books to your child over his favorite books.

My baby will he become more independent?

Your baby will soon celebrate its first anniversary and it is no longer the helpless baby and unable to do anything without you. Your child is still in great need you to take care of him and you to help him, but his independence began to assert itself. Your baby arrives to his feet, bending and squatting. It may also be able to walk holding your hand and it tends perhaps the hand or leg to help you dress him.

At meal times, your baby may catch a cup and drink in one. Sometimes perhaps eating his meal using his hands. If your baby is already able to drink from a cup, learn to anticipate because it could bring down the once empty!

How interested my baby books?

The youth department of your library is a good starting point for finding new books that your baby will appreciate: carvers, fabric books, colorful books, everything is good!

Find out if your library organizes readings and rhymes for babies. This is an excellent way to stimulate your baby's interest in reading.

Your baby will love handling books, turn the pages, sometimes several at a time. He will certainly love his favorite books he read and reread. Sit down and have him read all the books you have chosen, describe the images you see. Your child will probably appreciate books with flaps to lift, with different materials to touch and filled with colorful pictures.

Why my baby does not know when I tell him "no"?

Your baby understands simple instructions and what does the word "no", but sometimes he chooses to ignore you. To give more value to the word, try to use only when your baby does something potentially dangerous. If your child begins something that displeases you, try to dissuade rather than say no. If you constantly say "no" to your baby, it will have no effect on him.

You're not bad if you do not let your baby pull the cat's tail, especially as it may scratch your child. You just try to set limits. If your baby pulls the cat's tail while you have forbidden him, take his hand, look him in the eyes and tell him, "No, the cat has bad tires if you tail him. "Take his hand and gently caress the chat together.

Even if your baby still will not remember the next day what you have to say, it is important that you begin to set limits.

The desire to explore your baby is stronger than listen to your warnings. To you therefore to protect and educate. What can pass for provocation is actually a natural curiosity on the part of your child who wants to understand how the world around them.

How to help my baby learn and use a few words?

Now you get may recognize some words when your baby babbles, and it employs in understanding what they mean. Continue to encourage your child's interest in speech and show that you are listening by responding to his words and his babbling. Such trade is essential to teach your baby the two-way communication. Games such as nursery rhymes and other hide and seek in turn will help to develop memory.

Baby first year in pictures

At eleven months your baby is certainly able to imitate the sound of certain words, but also actions intonations. It can for example follow simple instructions especially if they are accompanied by gestures: "Bring me the ball please", "Could you pick up a spoon? ". Facilitate the learning of your baby by ensuring that each step corresponds to a request easy to follow. Do not worry if your baby does not yet understand, it should come within a month or two.

My baby is developing normally he?

Each baby is unique and develops at their own pace. This paragraph does not evoke that your baby is potentially capable of his age or what he will soon be able to do.
If your baby was born prematurely (before 37 weeks), you'll probably feel it needs more time to do the same things as other children his age. This is the reason why doctors attribute two ages for premature babies:

The chronological age, calculated from the birth of your baby. The corrected age, calculated from the originally scheduled date of birth of your child.

So you rely on your baby's corrected age to assess its development. Health professionals will do the same to assess the capabilities of your child.

Do not hesitate to consult your doctor or pediatrician if in doubt regarding your child's development.