Psychomotor development of the baby's 3rd month

Your baby is 2 months into her third month:

He is evolving:
When seated:

- He controls some movement of her head while she was still dangling there shortly.
In your arms
- He raised his head and straightened to keep in line with the body.

His little fists are no longer closed, his hands open.
Observe his handcuffs Baby is a fantastic show!
He also begins to play with.
He loves when they meet by chance the porch hanging over his bed.

Your baby weighs about 5 pounds and is probably increased to 5 feedings per day. He is longer nights, sometimes without interruption, and begins to wake up later in the morning.

Three months entering its fourth month.

He is more responsive and reacts better and better to different stimuli.
Maybe he starts to laugh for real, with a chuckle voice when you tickle or fry in your arms?
From 3 months, new drivers give Baby a greater freedom of movement:

He is able to reach out to objects:
even if they can not actually get this new skill opens up many horizons.

He can also stretch the legs when he is held upright, then what fun to bend and stretch the legs in a hopping motion!

He plays more with his hands
he moves his fingers shaking, turns and returns, inspects every sense ...
occupation ideal for getting to know!