In recent years, studies have shown that the brain at birth is not fully developed, and that he grows and develops very rapidly during the first three years of life. The researchers also stressed that an appropriate education and stimulating exercises greatly influence the development of a healthy brain. It is tempting for many parents the thought of signaling cards, educational programs for children in such a tender age.
All that is necessary for the normal, full development of the brain of your child at this age is to keep it natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge. On walks show him new and interesting things. Develop your child's imagination of a joint reading, listen to music with him, compose stories, draw pictures.
Create a calm environment at home and bring to a minimum watching TV. (Pediatricians all over the world do not approve of children watching television to two years. They believe that babies need direct communication with parents and other significant people for them to fully develop their emotional, volitional, and cognitive areas of the personality.) And most importantly, love your child, listen to his desires and your efforts will provide him a wonderful start in life.