Now that your baby goes for a few months, it is much better on his feet. He is less likely to fall, well turned, holding toys, and even waving them on the go, easily overcomes the bumps on the ground. Kids this age just love to climb stairs, to the interior, to the gymnastic wall around the hill, where possible. Give your climber as many opportunities to practice, it is necessary to ensure safety and good care.
Endless and repetition of the practice is the most important thing in the world of kids, because they reinforce the skills. So do not be surprised that your child will climb again and again anywhere and in any environment. If it is, for example, has already mastered the chair in your living room, he wants to win a chair or a chair with his grandmother in a cafe. If he has coped with the stairs in your house, he goes to the neighbor's steps to conquer them. In the following months, your child will master the other, more complex motor skills such as running and jumping. Gradually, he will gain strength, confidence and independence.
Approaching the age of eighteen, the kids look like a ball of energy, a tireless perpetual motion machine. Motor skills and coordination of movements of your child continues to evolve. He can already build a tower of three - four dice, throw the ball, drag over a toy on a string, add and take things out of boxes, crates, turn the pages, turn the door handles, using eating utensils (sometimes not so gently, as you would have to like), drink from a feeder cup and draw the children's masterpieces (often on the wallpaper and furniture).
At the same time, your baby can use their old toys in new ways. Cubes can turn into boats and planes, and a toy on a string to become a stroller, molds very easy to turn into a cup, and clay in the donuts. Observe how your child uses his imagination and, at the same time, see how his motor skills can make a creative approach to the game.