3 weeks
You are probably too tired to notice how you and your baby have learned, your horizons broadened and changed. Yet this is the case! At three weeks, you may have developed a certain rhythm or pattern, and you certainly started learning how to predict what your baby needs. This can be a difficult time for families because the demands of a baby three weeks seem endless. At this point, most new parents are exhausted and wondering if they will still one day a time for themselves. Have no doubt, will be the case. Things are about to become much easier. Accept change request that your baby, and things replaceront actually better and faster.
Babies, like adults, have individual temperaments. More than others at this age, some babies have a tendency to regular food and sleep. At this point, it is best to adapt the program to your baby. He still needs to eat fairly regularly during a 24-hour day.
Here is where your baby is probably in three weeks:
He sort of behavior more predictable than immediately after birth, at least in regard to sleeping and eating. You will have learned a lot about how to understand their needs and respond as well as how to relieve and take care of him.
He is awake more often. It can even be awake for an hour or more. After a bath or breastfeeding, you will notice that examines your face, watching you if you talk and calm when he hears your voice.
It emits a sound or two to show how excited he is when you talk to him. These small chirps are the beginning of language. Be sure to stop and answer a few conversing with him.
It is a little fussy at the end of the day. It will perhaps not seem to progress, but it is. Gradually, as the baby's nervous system matures, the world becomes more interesting, and your baby may need to relax after the excitement.
He masters his head more. It seems less fragile than before, but still needs a lot of support when hanging. It probably love a bag before, to be with you much of the day.
His upper body is stronger. It will now be able to raise its head when you put it on his stomach, and these periods on the tummy will be needed to strengthen his shoulders. He still needs to sleep on their backs.
He watches his hand moving in front of his face. Although it does not control his hands so he will be different from his eyes and can study the objects surrounding it.
He sleeps continuously for three to four hours. If he sleeps much longer than that, you should wake for a feeding.
The pleasure of being a parent is about to start: your baby smiles for the first time, begins to chirp here and there, you indicate that you are loved and appreciated.