Four months your baby is full of smiles and happy twittering to face everything that surrounds it. All is not perfect and he also learns something. So go ahead and play! He learns things about his hands and what they can hold, but his favorite game is still with you.
At four months, your baby can probably do this:
Hold high his head on his forearm or even his hands. Hold his head steady when sitting, which is great to talk with you.
Find your way around the room and you take your eyes while you move.
Learn to draw your attention by crying, something beyond or "coughing" strangely.
Striking objects and sometimes succeed in reach and grasp. If he grasps something, it will shake the object or place it in his mouth. If he lets go, it's an accident that surprised.
Find very interesting with his own hands. He shall slay, will affect the look or simply.
Drooling a lot, you lot and wetting his toys. His teeth, however, probably does not come out yet.
Recognize your voice and calm down for at least a short time if you call from another room. He learns to anticipate and expect.
Able to sleep by itself if you start a bedtime routine and give it a toy or blanket for comfort.
He's ready for his next checkup and shots, dress and then go on the show. When this age, people can hardly resist your delicious baby.
Your baby is nearly six months, and their physical, emotional and cognitive development is progressing rapidly. Your ability to move with him as and when it changes will help ensure good health and happiness in everyday life. He extended his arms, stir around, emit more sound and even begin to prefer toys and people. Everything goes in his mouth.