6 months

6 months Babies this age continue to grow rapidly. At six months, a baby sitting or preparing to do his back and is recovering. He sees things from a different angle and he likes it! In his role of "explorer of the world" quality first, the tool that inspires the most confidence in your baby's mouth. be able to pass a toy from one hand to another is another new skill that helps to know the world around him.

At six months, your baby is probably this:

- Laugh out loud, smile and squeals.
- You "annoy" by escaping and throwing objects, producing sounds to see your reaction. He is also experimenting with notions of space and disappear.
- Sit on its own or about to do.
- Get out, perhaps with a piece of furniture or the bed to get up.
- Pass objects from one hand to another.
- Put almost everything in his mouth.
- Say "ba" and "da" and babble here and there.
- Having a first tooth or more.

- Turn toward a sound.
- Able to console himself with his thumb, a blanket or a rollover.
- Turn in both directions.
- Begin to be wary of strangers because it is getting smarter about who is familiar or new in his world.

Your baby will find a way forward even before you know it. So, mobility will be his new obsession. You should start thinking about security in these terms. When your baby will consume his first solid foods, you should also be aware of choking hazards.