18 months

18 months in the first half of the second year of your baby, it still has great need of you. It also tries to be autonomous. It will test the limits. Even when your baby will assert its independence, he will want to cuddle. It is entangled and will send mixed messages. It will become frustrated and fits of anger, but be patient and keep in mind that it is difficult for him to solve all these cases.

Let your baby do things himself as much as possible. Let him eat, appoint and show things. Designate each of the parts of the face of another person excites every time. Help him name objects around him.

It is important to maintain the safe environment of the child so that he can explore freely. He will learn many of his games, so the more he plays and explores, develops his mind more. We must also constantly monitor.

At eighteen months, your baby will do this:

- Be looking forward to the objects it owns and willing to "keep" items, store them, hide them and transport them.
- Walk, climb and push on objects? as well as its capacity permits.
- Arranging objects and modify them. He learns to combine objects.
- Start the game imitations? feed a doll or a toy truck driving, including noise.
- Say "no" to almost everything. It's his way of saying he wants to order.
- Express very shy, even fear, to strangers or separation.
- Hitting or biting to express his feelings. He has no words or other ways to show it through. Tantrums show you how life can be frustrating at this age.
- Say more and more words. Language development at this age varies but, regardless of style, your child will acquire language skills and his approach two years.
- Carry objects while walking. It is perhaps not yet able to rotate and will soon begin to run.

As your baby approaches the second part of its second year, you will notice that their vocabulary and imagination are enriched. He is about to make wide turns in his ability to think and communicate.