2 years

Small two years that have achieved two years are very busy, and their games, rather complex. Fantasy and imagination play a big part in their games.

Your two year old plays longer than before. He is an actor in short stories and may use more than one toy at a time. Although some of the stories he makes are quite fantastic, he likes that order reigns in his world.

These days, your toddler loses her baby belly. He can run and walk more skilfully and quickly than before. He likes to imitate the people around? choosing the good and bad behavior, including swearing!

At two years, your child can probably do this:

- Follow directions involving two steps, for example, "Go to your room and bring your jacket."
- Make sentences containing groups of two or three words like "Mom to self" or "Want a cookie?".
- Up and down stairs with a little help (but you still need the monitor).
- Use words to express his feelings. This helps for some tantrums, but not all.
- Tell stories about real and imaginary activities.
- Placing objects in a certain order: in rows, inside something, in their place.
- Approach to music and have fun hitting, beating or tapping the rhythm. Dancing and singing are now part of his repertoire.
- Sit on a chair or a seat and get up.
Run and may prefer running to walking. Stopping is more difficult.
- Help dressing for articles from its head, putting his shoes (not always on the right foot).
- Identify pictures in a book.

Your two year old can probably also do this:

- Could do much to make as an adult, to use utensils, although awkwardly.
- How to "press your buttons."
- Show affection to all sorts of wonderful ways.

It is more reasonable and predictable than six months ago.
Answer "no" initial response to any request or completely ignore your requests. However, if you let him latitude, its resistance will weaken.

Still need to be watched closely, despite its emerging autonomy.

Over the next six months, be on the lookout greater language skills and even greater imagination at play The question of initiation of cleanliness usually arises at this stage.