The 10 attitudes advocated to help the child overcome his fear:
1). Respect
Each deserves a respectful reception fear: that the child feels the right to be afraid.
2). The loving presence
The container brings the listener fear can cause the child to a calm face of overwhelming intensity of her fear.
3). Listening
Without seeking to reassure at all costs but through the word of the child. A fear can lead to another and anxiety often moves on a subject of election, as to create some real phobias.
4). Empathic recognition
Try to go get the child through the maze of her fear. Let us help by putting the words on what he saw. What Dolto called: "Put her subtitle to the child."
5). The expression of fear in all its forms
Giving it the means to express their fears through various media: games, drawing, painting, puppets ...
6). The rational answers to questions
Assistance may be provided to the child to do the actual sorting about his fear. He probably needs rational answers to his parents face what he ignores the object of his fear.
7). The use of the expertise of the inner child
Nothing better than helping the child find, in itself, cures the face of the anguish that generates fear. The strategies he has discovered, from its own resources, creates the best defense possible!
8). The story of our own experiences
Narrate our experiences of adult face fears may reassure the child but, in a second time: only after inviting him to find his own way.
9). Remember the fears overcome
The reminder of how the child has exceeded a certain situation that frightened him in the past can inject confidence to cope with the new.
10). Objective recognition of own limits
Accept that the child is not ready to overcome some obstacle, he is to become aware of the importance of respecting his own personal limitations.