In the case of conductive, due to a disorder of the outer ear (ear, led auditf) or middle ear (eardrum and ossicles), a medical or surgical treatment can be initiated.
In sensorineural hearing loss, monitoring will be more complex.
ENT specialist, pediatrician and speech therapist will provide all testing and rehabilitation of disorders of spoken language, oral communication. Decision not supported by a multidisciplinary team can begin as young as 6 months.
Wearing a hearing aid at an early stage is generally advised and the child will access speech therapy suitable to him. The rigging of a cochlear implant can also be seen in some cases. Pronunciation, lip reading, sign language etc ... are used in the process of making no charge.
It is important that the family be informed of disorders of the child and the need to support and encourage communication. Psychological treatment can be proposed to help the child understand his disability.
Deafness in children remains a difficult handicap to early diagnosis, more so that the interference is mild or moderate. This diagnosis, however, is a major issue because it determines how early care of the child and the resolution of his disability. In bilateral deafness and deep support must also be very early. Today there are therapeutic and rehabilitative means to enable children to attend a mainstream school and be fully integrated into society.