What is a low-weight birth:
Babies born of low birth weight are of concern because they can often have more variety of health problems, development and behavior. We consider an underweight baby when at birth weighing less than 2500 grams (less than 5.5 pounds) while the normal weight of a newborn at term was 3500 grams (7.7 pounds).
A low birthweight baby is born is born too early because it is premature to say whether he has not grown enough in pregnancy. When the baby is born before 37 weeks he was born premature (too early) because a normal pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks (37-42 weeks). The fetus did not have time to reach a normal weight of a baby to term. When a baby born at term or prematurely has not grown enough in pregnancy is said to have an intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) or he is small for gestational age. During the years 1970 and 1980 the birth rate of low birth weight decreased significantly since the 1990s but there has been a rise in this rate as the rate of premature births.
Consequences of low birthweight birth:
Despite major advances have occurred in recent decades, prematurity and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) may have serious consequences. In both cases, the duration of their hospitalization at birth is on average longer than other babies, and they are prone to repeated hospitalizations during their first years of life. These infants also have a greater risk of death and disease. For example, these babies can have respiratory problems more often, the nervous system, vision and hearing, they often grow less well and may remain smaller later, and finally they may also have behavioral problems and difficulties learning in school.
Of course, these are not all preterm or low birth weight who live with these challenges and risks will be greater if they were born too early (before 28 weeks of gestation) or very low birthweight (less than 1000 grams ). Moreover, it is important to remember that if they find themselves in a loving and stimulating home environment they will have every chance to develop normally. Moreover, it seems that adulthood those born low birthweight are more likely to have high blood pressure, having diabetes and cardiovascular disease especially if they had IUGR. It is therefore important to understand what causes birth weight and small to try to prevent this problem.
What causes a low-weight birth:
Let me say first that poverty or low socioeconomic status is strongly associated with low birthweight births. Some factors are more associated with prematurity and other rather in IUGR, while others appear to exert their influence on both.
Factors related to the fetus are rather biological. Multiple births (twins, triplets, etc..) And congenital malformations associated with prematurity as much as IUGR, while an infection of the fetus is primarily associated with prematurity.
Factors relating to the mother are more numerous and complex. Besides genetic factors, nutritional status (underweight mother's early pregnancy, poor weight gain during pregnancy), its small size (less than 5 feet), age (under 20 or over 40 years) and lifestyle (smoking, alcohol and drugs) affect the weight of the newborn. Health problems of the mother during pregnancy may also be involved such as hypertension of pregnancy, when poorly controlled asthma, the problems of the placenta and the cervix, and urinary or genital infections.
These infections are primarily associated with prematurity. We must also consider the work physically demanding during pregnancy, exposure to a toxic environment and the quality and quantity of prenatal care. In addition, high anxiety or depression may also be associated with a lower birth weight. Finally, when the mother saw a lot of stress (death of a family) or chronic such as domestic violence or if she lives in a neighborhood she perceives as dangerous (unsafe), it could risk more than give birth to a baby low birthweight.
How to prevent low-weight births:
Quality food, balanced and diversified during pregnancy contributes to a good birth weight. Do not smoke or stop smoking is highly effective in preventing a birth weight babies. Avoid excessive exercise, adequate monitoring of pregnancy and treatment of infections and other health problems during pregnancy also help prevent this problem.
In addition, make sure to have support around you to better cope with stress that can not be avoided will help to complete a good baby weight. Some public health programs also contribute to a better pregnancy outcome such as moving or preventive leave the pregnant woman is exposed to an unsafe working environment or programs of nutritional supplements for undernourished women. Programs offered by local CSSS that combine several actions intensively may also help expectant mothers at risk.