Motor development of your child
0 to 4 months
His little body curled up, unfolds gradually. His hands open over the months.
When lying on stomach, raise baby's head. At first just a few seconds, then he relies on his forearms and finally can turn his head without wagging.
To three months, he can hold objects in his hands and contemplate at length. It is not yet release them.
To four months, it is no longer necessary to hold up her neck.
5 to 8 months
To five months, he appreciates the semi-sitting position first, and also holds his head straight. Back properly seated, it feasts on this position (but be careful not too long).
He seized the objects offered to her. On his stomach when he recovers, he now turns his head to each side.
Around 6 months he spent back on his stomach when he is lying. This enables him to his back muscles properly so you can sit up alone later.
There is now strong enough to bear on an arm to get what he wants.
To seven months, he spends what he holds in one hand to another without letting go.
When you hold it under the arms as if to walk, he tightens his legs slowly (a reflex that he had lost in recent months).
It is not yet sit up by themselves but, once installed, it sits without support. Do not leave it too long and he loves it but tired quickly.
When it is properly seated take the opportunity to make it last longer bath, to play, without taking his eyes of course!
9 to 12 months
His big game now is to break down objects on the ground, watching them until they are picked him to be able to reject them again. Moreover, it grabs more objects with the palm of the hand but gradually with the fingertips. He is pointing everything he sees.
Baby starts to sit alone. Some start up using the bars of their bed, or relying on the couch for example.
The move came hours. This can be as 8 to 15 months (remember your own pace!), Each child develops most of its own mode of travel.
Some begin to crawl on his belly to the force of arms, others will get on all fours and gallop like crazy, others move to the buttocks, waddling (it's much slower but just as effective), then there are those who stand up to furniture. You can help by holding her hands but beware that position his breath. Besides his arms serve as its outriggers for balance, be supportive rather in the armpits.
Praise the slightest progress, and encourage him without much surmotiver provided! It will evolve at its own pace and according to his desire.
12 to 15 months
It moves more and more often standing and never tires to go around the apartment (or house), or not standing furniture. He climbs the chairs and sofas, stairs, ...: the fungi become common.
His hands are more dexterous, he loves to do with the puppets.
It is the association "action / reaction" (bang on a drum, blow into a flute = music, noise).
15 to 18 months
It happens to stack things on top of each other, just like flush shapes into corresponding holes.
He knows how to launch his balloon in a chosen direction with your hands.
It handles better and better space and balance. It can pick up objects while walking.
The common mistakes are as great curiosity.
18 months to 2 years
Walking is clearer, feet closer, the more rare fungi.
Sometimes awkwardly to stomp in a balloon.
He succeeded in becoming better things alone.
He starts scribbling.
2 to 3 years
He begins to draw curves and circles, and especially it is within the limits of the sheet (better understanding of space).