The power
While it is tempting to consider our toddlers as mini-adults, they are early in their growth and their nutritional needs differ significantly from ours. Their diet should be both higher fat and lower in fiber than that recommended for adults.
For him a balanced diet of energy point of view and nutritious, your toddler needs to eat three small meals a day and two nutritious snacks.
Motor skills
Your child is about to walk alone! For now, he travels home based on the furniture. Your little explorer will soon move by walking, then run and leap.
Approaches its second anniversary, and it seems increasingly obvious that it is left or right handed, because he prefers to use his dominant hand to scribble, kick a ball and hold the spoon. He even managed to brush your teeth ... if you to help a little and were supervising the operation!
Gradually, as his skill improves, your child becomes more active, he climbs, jumps and runs, which strengthens his muscles. Make sure your meals are balanced and diversified is vital.
Between 12 and 18 months, the vocabulary of toddlers is still quite limited and can not always express their emotions or tell you what he wants, you will see sometimes get carried away and bite tantrums! Please also note that is becoming increasingly aware of him. The proof? "I" and "me" are among his favorite words. Be patient as it learns to deal with the idea of sharing: at this age, catch toys and shout "this is mine" is also a common occurrence. Do not worry if it seems to prefer being alone rather than with other children: this is perfectly normal. Whenever possible, encourage the moments just playing and sharing with other children.
The language
There you will not be long before you notice that your child is a breakthrough in his mastery of language. Gradually, the words become sentences and requests.
Do not worry unduly if its vocabulary seems a bit limited, because at this age, he understands better than he really expresses himself in words. Rather than produce sentences built, it uses initially isolated and simple words to explain what he wants, so by "cup" must understand "I want my cup," and "Teddy," "give me my teddy bear."
One day he will begin to combine two words, "Mom toy" example, he wants to play with you, and you listen with great interest.
At this age, your toddler loves nursery rhymes. It is time to refresh your memory and back into the favorite songs from your childhood!
The growing awareness of his little world and his desire to assert itself can push your child to want to take control from time to time.
You can encourage it by making him make some decisions: why not let him choose his clothes for example, or its games? Encourage them to test their coordination skills recently acquired by proposing to take different steps: walk sideways, backward, forward, running and jumping.
Be as careful with your facial expressions and your words, your child learn through imitation. You will be surprised to see everything he records and manages to return in the most incongruous situations!