Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders

Definition of TED

Autism is best known ASD or pervasive developmental disorders. The generic term TED encompasses a group of disorders that share certain essential features, including: a decrease in the quality of reciprocal social interaction, communication skills, verbal and nonverbal as well as repetitive behaviors and restrictive.

For all the TED (autism and related disorders), the estimated frequency is at least 22 people on 10 000

The age of onset of disability

Atypical forms of pervasive developmental disorders are differentiated from autism by one of three ways:

In the age of onset of disability
In the number of symptoms present TED
In the types of symptoms present

Generally, children with developmental disabilities have before the age of three.

Disintegrative disorder pervasive developmental

There are documented cases of children who develop normally until the age of three years and then regress in their social behavior, language, or both. This decline may have a neurological cause known, such as epilepsy or meningitis, or be associated with an episode reminiscent flu. It is not uncommon that the regression is associated with no obvious precipitating factor.

Children with disabilities are often pretty, but they manage to progress slowly and may even return several coping skills. This is what is meant by pervasive developmental disorders disintegrative.

Fewer symptoms

Currently, the DSM-III-R (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 3rd revised edition), require the presence of eight of the 16 characteristics of observations retained for a diagnosis of autism. Children with ASD often exhibit atypical five to seven symptoms. This is for the child a significant handicap. In this group we find a higher percentage of girls, and a high proportion of various neurological disorders (eg, the Fragile X syndrome and tuberous sclerosis) than in autism.