Help the child: Autism requires early intervention
Early detection moving towards an early diagnosis.
Children who are diagnosed early may benefit from early intervention. Those who work with children with autism find significant differences between children subjected to early professional intervention early, and those who are not.
Early intervention can reduce the secondary symptoms, such as destructive behavior and self harm.
"Now ensure the existence of interventions for very young children with developmental disabilities, it is important, more than before, to get tested that achieves faster to a correct diagnosis and initiate appropriate intervention" ( Siegel, 1987).
Parents need to know what is
With early diagnosis, parents can understand why the child has any unusual behavior and act with him all the better.
Early diagnosis allows to shorten the long and still trying to diagnose. It allows parents to focus their energies more quickly to the needs of their child.
With early diagnosis, parents are avoiding the risk that others deny the severity of the condition of their child. Autism is a serious disorder but who meets certain interventions.
Parents need time to plan the future
Parents need time to learn about autism as well, as the educational services, vocational training and leisure available.