Small people are charming three years! They enter and leave their own magical world, and bring a sense of wonder and delight to all who are around them. In addition, they pose special challenges to keep them healthy and safe.
At age three, your child can probably do this:
- Dressing himself relatively well, provided you limit the options of sets. Do not be surprised if he wants to change clothes often? for him, it's fun!
- Understand hundreds of words and be able to bring together short sentences. Foreigners can understand more than half the time.
- Name the most objects of his daily life as well as several body parts and some colors.
- Say his name, age, gender and month of his birthday.
- Understand the opposition, for example, large and small, happy and sad.
- Scribble and perhaps even draw the outline of a creature resembling a tadpole.
- Jumping, hopping and use his feet to give kicking a ball.
- Negotiate with other children and adults. That's progress, but your day may be more difficult because so many things are now discussing.
Your little three year old can probably also do this:
- Enjoy a wide range of role-playing while trying to find what it really is. Both boys and girls like costume pieces and they learn a lot.
- Have many dreams and nightmares, because his mind decodes the stress of the day.
- Be very aware of sex and show interest in his genitals.
As your child grows up to three years during the next year, it will become more autonomous than ever. Play with friends and other activities occupy significant parts of his day. For you, it will mean to start participating in preschool programs and games, then show him the path to health and safety.