Help the child overcome his fears

Fear is one of the great basic emotions that humans encounter in life. The other three are joy, sadness and anger. Each has its uses. Fear, which has the essential function of alerting us to a state of danger, is first before physiological psychology. It will allow to escape and protect themselves against the impending danger or indicate that we are not ready to face any given situation. He who refuses to feel fear deprives himself of antennas very precious and will sooner or later in danger. It teaches us to face the unknown. Small or large, exaggerated or not, no fear is ridiculous. Every fear is good to take, and especially to support, listen, in all its psychological dimension. Time to tame the fear and overcome it, opens up the courage and self-esteem.

Containing a necessary

Some fears are more common than other children. The baby of eight / ten months is often confronted with the fear of strange faces, unfamiliar. He needs to be reassured by word of its safe to accept close contact with this person outside his life. Prior to that already, the baby is experiencing various fears related to the sudden change of atmosphere. Stress, unusual noise and deaf, the sudden light in the room, the fact of being alone in a new environment - the crib, for example - are all factors that triggers fear in the very young child. He jumps, screams, panic. It is essential to recognize him in his fear, saying, I think you're afraid. In fact, I dropped a pan on the floor in the kitchen ... It's not underestimate the fears of the baby and look every time the words that will lead on the way of reinsurance. Do not forget the invaluable power of affective contact the child. He offers, in many cases, the container it needs to face and overcome his fear.

"The anguish of the little death"

For some, fear of falling asleep indicates a difficulty letting go of control. The establishment of small sleep habits will help the child regain a sense of security. The quality of the near presence of the adult, his words careful, his emotional outbursts, more easily bring the child to let go saving. The children were so hungry to discover the life they sometimes feel that sleep is a waste of time! Dolto spoke of "the anguish of the little death." Explain to them that sleep helps to rejuvenate for the energy to play better tomorrow ... Often even the youngest child of two years through periods of nightmares. One approach is to do about the film from his nightmare or to propose to draw it as he ran in his head, with a beginning, middle and end, and then share, for a verbal exchange, the challenges of this nightmare for him.

For slightly older children, Dolto prescribed three ways for the little man to appease a small lamp in proximity to resume contact with reality, a glass of water for reconnecting with yourself and block drawing sheets and crayons to evacuate self agonizing fear. This triple prescription always gives good results. The function of the nightmare is to evacuate angoissent things in everyday life. A repetitive nightmare or night terrors, indicates that fear has not yet been heard in all its magnitude. These fears, often reflect a state of emotional insecurity. Many children are afraid of the dark. Again, it should be understood, respected and accompany the child to face this fear. Find him with tips that will allow it to feel safe anyway: a little night, the curtain slightly open, the light in the hallway ...

The stories and movies

However, many children and teenagers feel like fear. As if they needed to play with the exciting and vibrant thereof. The child will ask again for the umpteenth time that he tells the story of the wicked witch and the teen will look, loop, the scary adventures of Freddy hilarious. Basically, when accompanied by adults, these allow time to experience fear and reactions to it. The stories and movies are, somehow, excellent laboratories of our fears. They have always existed and we prepare to defend ourselves when useful.