Development and progress of your 11 month

At eleven months, your baby is able to understand simple instructions and that means "no", although this does not mean that it will obey you every time! Try to limit the use of "no" at times when your child does something dangerous or you may use it to rhyme.

Books with bright colors attract the attention of your baby. Take them to the library, this will allow you to discover new books to your child over his favorite books.

My baby will he become more independent?

Your baby will soon celebrate its first anniversary and it is no longer the helpless baby and unable to do anything without you. Your child is still in great need you to take care of him and you to help him, but his independence began to assert itself. Your baby arrives to his feet, bending and squatting. It may also be able to walk holding your hand and it tends perhaps the hand or leg to help you dress him.


How to develop human knowledge? That is the question which the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget devoted his entire life. Work, spread over nearly sixty years, have laid the foundation of the vast field of research of genetic epistemology which seeks to understand how changing our thinking throughout our lives.

Trained in biology and philosophy, Piaget draws on concepts of these two disciplines to study the development of young children, ideal terrain for observing a thought form. It happens so early to conclude that cognitive development is the result of complex interactions between the nervous system maturation and language, and that maturation depends on social and physical interactions with the world around us.

For Piaget, it is acting on its environment that the child constructs his first reasoning. These cognitive structures (Piaget also speaks of thought patterns), initially entirely different from those of the adult, internalize gradually become more and more abstract.

Piaget's theory of cognitive development are four primary structures that correspond to stages of development, which are further divided into distinct periods where specific cognitive abilities emerge.

An asset for the physical and emotional development of the newborn

Body language is the primary form of communication that includes the newborn, and breastfeeding promotes the awakening of this language.

Language melee: support primitive relationship

At the dawn of life, the human being needs several kinds of food to thrive. Physical food, milk, and emotional nourishment, care consists of gestures and words that combine the quality of actual physical presence in the emotional presence of the mother, the father or the person who takes care of him. These foods, doors exchanges with the outside, are the five senses of the baby and the mother, they confirm his membership in the world and rooted in its identity. They are a unit that contains knowledge and weave "support archaic" on which to build the future adult to get in touch with each other. Breastfeeding is a real sense of dialogue between the body of the mother and her child. He requests one by one, but all feel confused, like a halo containing sensory and secure. From its conception, man is a being in relationship. The language of the senses is a process that is part of the exchange as "primitive support."

Include Albert Camus, in The Myth of Sisyphus, our ahead: "We live in our bodies long before they think. Our body has a lead on us irreparable. '

Physical development of the newborn

After birth, a newborn will lose between 5-10% of their birth weight. This loss is important during the first 24 or 36 hours, then lower to stop the 4th or 5th day. Then it will recover gradually birth weight.

The weight and size

From the moment baby has regained his birth weight (around the 8th day), weight gain is on average 25 to 30 g per day during the first three months. The weight curve is not perfectly regular. It may take a day and then 10 g 45 g tomorrow. In order not to shake, baby weighed twice a week is sufficient, except in cases of diarrhea, fever.

In general, the newborn weighing 3500 g at birth twice the weight at 6 months. However, this rule is only valid for a newborn mean birth weight.

The steady growth in size is a good indicator of the health of your baby and the absence of severe disease. Baby takes on average 3 cm in the first month. Baby will grow by an average of 25 cm in the first year.

3 months mark a transition in the baby's life.

From 3 months, a baby does not like to be alone more generally.

Baby needs someone to play with him!

He seeks the company of the animation. And above all, he wants to observe everything that goes on around him!

Always fascinated by the sounds, when he hears a noise it stops all movement to focus on this new sound or familiar.

He likes to be near him. Love it in a deck that speaks to him.
During periods of wakefulness, he will enjoy the tunes.

He does not want to stay just lying flat, and although still unable to sit without support, he loves this position.
He offers a breathtaking view of many exciting things and allows him to participate in the life of the house!                                          

Psychomotor development of the baby's 3rd month

Your baby is 2 months into her third month:

He is evolving:
When seated:

- He controls some movement of her head while she was still dangling there shortly.
In your arms
- He raised his head and straightened to keep in line with the body.

His little fists are no longer closed, his hands open.
Observe his handcuffs Baby is a fantastic show!
He also begins to play with.
He loves when they meet by chance the porch hanging over his bed.

Your baby weighs about 5 pounds and is probably increased to 5 feedings per day. He is longer nights, sometimes without interruption, and begins to wake up later in the morning.

3 months: emotional development

Fine Motor Gross Motor emotional Intellectual Social

Emotional development

Your baby will emit sounds much more now that he uses his voice to express themselves. He managed to better communicate his joy, sadness or malaise. Reacting to what he tells you, you will strengthen their self-esteem.

At this age:

He shows that he is scared or happy or angry facial expressions by.
He chuckles of joy and shoot cries when happy, whines when he gets frustrated and licks his lips when he is hungry.
He begins to appear dull.
He reacts to the presence of familiar people and can start crying or stop crying by the person who holds him in his arms.
It can recognize and communicate his discomfort.


When we speak of child development, everyone has an opinion on the issue. Everyone has their own little speech to cover their tracks and shake our parental serenity.

From birth to 2 years

At this level of development or intelligence is primarily practical. It is built according to the sense (hearing, touch, sight,) and movement of the child. One of the essential learnings of this period is the understanding of object permanence (the child may find a hidden object). The child acquires the symbolic function that requires different types of conduct as deferred imitation, symbolic play, drawing, mental imagery and language. He also developed a self-awareness by driving his body schema.

In fact, there is a progressive maturation leading to the holding of the head (2 to 3 months, the importance of maintaining adult), then the sitting position (6 months with support, 8 months without support), then the standing (not to be confused with walking with support 9 months, 12 months without support). In terms of language we pass again the simple chirp, with vocals, then syllables associated announce that the real words. The march begins, hesitantly, to 10 months and is truly functional in 15 months on average. But may, without that there is nothing pathological, appear later, around 18 months.


Psychological development is the set of processes that allows infants to grow up after going through many steps and stages. This is the whole psychic (psychomotor) of the individual and the body. Acquisition of motor skills (neuromuscular) and psychological (appearance by step demonstration of intellectual and emotional increasingly sophisticated). The child is anything other than adult reduced both in quantity and quality.

importance of psychomotor development

The development of the child during the first 6 years is significant in the brain (he grows as fast and more), psychomotor, personality (emotional, basic personality sets before 2 years).

child from 0 to 2 years

  The physical changes

Baby's development to six months

A child develops himself. However, parents play an important role in this development. They provide development opportunities for their child that he will seize the time comes. A prime example is learning to walk. The only child decides when he will stand up and learn to walk. This week can make the process of interest and he begins to assimilate the principles of walking without his parents realizing it. Then one day the child walks. Meanwhile he will be down moultes once and will be raised each time, motivated by his desire to walk.

Learning to eat will be held in the same way. He will take time for the child to master his technique. The first few months, the child does not focus on 'learning how to eat'. He claims the breast and shows his need to drink or just to suck. In short the child eats. Around the fifth month the baby begins to show interest in what those around him and thus to what he eats. It's been weeks he carries his toys and other objects in his mouth. The child observes and, consequently learns. He wants to imitate the actions of others and when the opportunity arises and a piece of food will be located within reach, the child will carry it to his mouth. What he can not reach or is not able to grasp because the stage of development of motor skills remain on the table or on his plate.